Suppose a novel tells about a young girl growing up poor in a rural town. She overcomes hardship and obstacles, including the small-minded expectations of her society, to better her situation through hard work and ingenuity. Which of these would best symbolize her struggle

a. an image of an eye that she seems to encounter in various places at key moments

b. a feral cat with only one eye that manages to keep stealing enough food to stay alive

c. recycled glass wind chime that signals changes in the weather and approaching storms

d. movement taking place in the nearby town to install the first electric stoplight

Respuesta :

B because the feral cat symbolizes the girl being poor the fact that it has one eye and keeps stealing enough food to stay alive show how the cat is over coming the expectations.




Feral in the symbol represents the idea of someone who has received a poor education or no education at all.With no more resources than one aye and no training a cat still survives.I think this is the best for expressing that this girl will have to face difficulties and that the expectations of those who know her will not be good about her future.