Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press was a revolutionary invention that affected millions of people all over the world. Think about how the availability of printed material has affected society, in both good ways and bad. Write a paragraph describing the ways in which everyday life and thought have changed because of the printing press, including how it still affects our lives today.

Respuesta :

Basically it became quicker to copy manuscripts to distribute to a larger population, image if wehad to manually copy the amount of written material we have nowadays, imagine rewriting manually each copy of each Harry Potter book, how long would the processtake? As a consequence, many people have access to information and education, on the other hand, the amount of paper is worrisome because paper is made out of wood, although there is the computer nowadays and lots of written materials are stored in digital media, we as a society still produce a lot of paper which if they are not recycled, demand more and more wood.