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GPA and Grade Inflation
Rhonda Rose
Argosy University
This article is to assess the concept of grade inflation in higher education. Grade inflation refers to the increasing concern regarding the rise in the number of higher grades assigned to students in higher education. The problem of grade inflation has been a topic of concern for over a century and there are no quick fixes or simple methods of reversing this trend. There are several alternatives presented which could help curtail this trend. Grade inflation can be described as a practice among universities and colleges to deflate the actual, real value of an A. This is when students put in less work and still makes good grades. This article lets us know that the statistics shows that the grade point average was set at a GPA of 2.52 back in 1950, but it increased to 3.26 in the year 2002. The increase had nothing to do with a increase in intelligence or the amount of study time. (
The article tells us that the college seniors scored the same as high school graduate from back in the 1950’s. (19National Association of Scholars,2002). First year college students are getting out and drinking more than they are studying. (23 Rojstaczer,2009b). Private and public schools have raised their grade point average. The USA is not the only country experiencing a trend toward rising grade point averages. You have students in underdeveloped countries are counting on a good grade point averages to be able to get out of the ghetto’s and underdeveloped neighborhoods that they grew up in. They want to do better so they can have a better life. The article also lets us know that in the lesser developed countries it cost more to go to school there than it does in the USA. The problem in grade inflation is that a student does not have the incentive to do better. Grade inflation hide the laziness on the part of the students, and as long as it exists, even faculty who want to do a good job don’t feel like they can. (20 Primack,2008)
The best thing about having your own personal computer is that you can store all of your assignments and information on it. You even have the choice to name your files what you want them to be named. You can do your own research and finish your assignments when you need to. You can be more efficient and produce better work when you have your own computer.
Storing documents can be a little confusing especially if you have more than one class if you are not careful. When you are finished with your assignment you need to save it as what class it is from and then put the module number and assignment number. Please make sure that you put which class it is because if you don’t you can post the wrong paper to the wrong class. I have found since I have been taking these courses that when I go to file my papers it is a lot easier when you put the course name on your file. I have gotten them mixed up but caught my mistake before I turned it in. You have different places on your computer to file your assignments.
Tucker, J., & Courts, B. (2010). Grade inflation in the college classroom.
Foresight: The Journal of Futures Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, 12(1). 45-53