1. It's a religious belief.
2. It's shared by most religions
3. It implies we have a soul.
4. It also implies the soul doesn't perish after we die.
5. It also means that soul would remember who we were in the physical realm.
6. It means our consciousness would remain intact after we die.
7. It also implies we would go to a place where what we understand as life would continue.
8. It's mostly a belief of religious or 'spiritual' minded people.
9. This belief also represents fear of total annihilation.
10. In some cases it acts as an incentive for better behavior while living our human life here on Earth.
11. It is a belief much exploited by religious groups and organizations.
12. it presupposes there is a link between our physical body and the 'soul'.
13. It also presupposes the existence of an almighty god that would judge us wither worthy or unworthy of it.
14. It is a belief not shared by atheists nor those with a purely materialistic interpretation of life in the universe