Respuesta :
1. The first step in the decision making process is to define the decision to be made. Before we take action, we must be clear in what we are going to do, the main purposes to developed. Actually, in every project, research, job, or just daily decision, we have to know what is the objective, where we are gonna go, and then, we must take action towards that goal, otherwise, we won't be able to achieve anything.
2. The second step in the decision making process is to get input from other trusted adults and brainstorm all possible choices. After having clear where we are going to, we should considered all the paths that can lead to accomplish the objective. Brainstorming is a really powerful tool to analyse and determine all possible choices and the best one to do first. This way, we ensure that we are talking the most reasonable steps before taking action.
3. The third step is to evaluate each choice and consider the consequences. After using brainstorm, we will analyse the possible effects of each possible decision, each step. This doesn't men that we are gonna actually know the magic formula, but this way, we ensure that we first take the most reliable and right decision. Considering consequences could be made with a work group, where each person shares their own perspective of the situation, and why that step is the best option. Through consensus the answers will be more accurate.
4. The forth step is to be prepared to accept the consequences and make your decision. After analysing consequences, and choosing the best way to take action, we must affront all possible consequences, those that we know, and those that we don't actually know are gonna happened. Having this mature and professional behaviour, we will be able to analyse better any kind of situation, positive or negative. Basically, this step is about resilience, the ability to overcome when problems come.
5. The fifth and last step is to evaluate the effectiveness of your decision. Measuring the effectiveness of the decision is crucial, because this represent the feedback to improve. Most of the time, people just complain when plans don't work, but the best option is to be resilient, and analyse how well we did it, if the decision we made was the best, if it doesn't, what other ingredients should we add to make it work. When designing a plan to take action, it's important to dedicate a specific time to evaluate result, that way, we could measure the effectiveness.