Respuesta :
Homonyms is used in reference to the words that sound the same or are written in the same way but have different meanings. Examples of them are:
Book: something to read or make a reservation
Express: do something quickly or show your thoughts or feeling by talking
Kind: type or caring
Match: to pair or a stick to start a flame
Well: in good health or a source of water in the ground
Bean and Been: first is a seed of a climbing plant, seocnd is a conjugation of the verb to be
Rain and Reign: first is when it falls as water in drops from the clouds, second is the period of time when a king or queen governs a country.
cession handing something over to another
signet a seal used on official documents
traceable able to be followed
dyeing to color something with a permanent coloring
The above are the examples of homonyms.