Do you see the places in the question where it says all the things like ...
-- that YOU assembled
-- the voltage and resistance of each bulb
-- the measured total voltage and total current
-- the values that YOU calculated
-- use YOUR data
-- change in equivalent resistance, voltage drop across each bulb, and total voltage
These ALL refer to information that you were given before you started the exercise, or to measurements that you were supposed to measure. So first of all, we don't have the information that was given to you before the exercise. Regarding the measurements, either you measured them, or else you didn't measure them. If you DID measure them, we need to know the measurements in order to answer the questions, because ALL of the questions are asking about those measurements. If you DIDN't measure them, then the information we need to answer the questions doesn't exist anywhere, until somebody goes and measures them. So, anybody who would like to just hand you a bunch of answers is totally stuck ... IF the answers even exist, we don't have ANY of the information needed to find them with.