Respuesta :

Women worked long hours - sometimes 80 hours a week - often under horrible conditions. Remember, this was before the days of labor laws. The factories could basically set whatever policies they wanted, and workers were more or less powerless to do much about them. Conditions were often unsanitary and dangerous. Men typically held supervisory roles, and with that sometimes came sexual harassment and forms of discrimination and abuse. Women were usually paid less than men, and they were not treated equally.

Some time women can face various harassment and forms of discrimination and abuse .Women were usually paid less than mem and they were treated equally .

Women worked long hours - sometimes 80 hours a week often under horrible conditions . Remember , this was before the days of labor laws The factories could basically set whenever policies they wanted , and workers were more or less powerless to do much about them . Conditions were often unsanitary and dangerous.

learn more about what problem did working class women face during the industrial revolution!&&p=541dfed0053d6d0288b48c0b647d37b297e918f37a9e4e01b4c78cc8be003ebfJmltdHM9MTY1NDg0MDA0OCZpZ3VpZD0wNDI2NzNlNy00ZjNkLTQ4NzctOGIyNy00OTE0M2UwY2NhMDMmaW5zaWQ9NTIwMA&ptn=3&fclid=cf7ea307-e880-11ec-acbd-d135e3c7228b&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9icmFpbmx5LmNvbS9xdWVzdGlvbi8yMTA0NDQxMA&ntb=1