Respuesta :
Group 1. Freedom of Expression
Your government cannot unfairly limit your right to speak freely. What responsibilities might go along with this right?
Suppose you attend a meeting of students in your school. The group is supposed to suggest rules for the playground. You have the right to speak and give your suggestions. What responsibilities should you have in the way you speak and in what you say? List and explain these responsibilities.
What responsibilities should other students at the meeting have toward your right to speak? List and explain these responsibilities.
What responsibilities should you have toward the other students' right to speak? List and explain these responsibilities.
What might happen to the right to free speech if no one fulfilled the responsibilities you have discussed?
Freedom of religion
Group 2. Freedom of Religion
Your government cannot interfere with your right to believe as you wish. It cannot unfairly limit your right to practice your religious beliefs. What responsibilities might go along with these rights?
Suppose you believe in a particular religion. You attend a church or temple in your community. List and explain what responsibilities you should have in the way you practice your religious beliefs.
Suppose there are people in your community who believe in different religions or in no religion at all. List and explain what responsibilities they should have to protect your right to practice your religious beliefs.
List and explain what responsibilities you should have to protect other people's right to practice their religious beliefs or not to have any religious beliefs.
What might happen to the right of freedom of religion if no one fulfilled the responsibilities you have discussed?
Group 3. The Right to be Treated Equally
Your government may not favor some people over others because of such things as their age, sex, race, or religion. What responsibilities might go along with this right?
Suppose people in your community are planning a picnic for the public. List and explain what responsibilities they might have to be fair to you no matter what your age, sex, race, or religion may be.
Suppose you were helping to plan the picnic. List and explain what responsibilities you think you should have to other people no matter what their age, sex, race, or religion might be.
What might happen to the right to be treated equally if no one fulfilled the responsibilities you have discussed?
Right to be treated fairly by your government
Group 4. The Right to be Treated Fairly by Your Government
Your government must be fair to you when it is gathering information and making decisions. What responsibilities might go along with this right?
Suppose someone has accused you of doing something wrong in your school or community. What responsibilities should that person have toward you? List and explain those responsibilities.
Suppose you have accused others of doing something wrong in your school or community. What responsibilities should you have toward them? List and explain those responsibilities.
What might happen to the right to be treated fairly if no one fulfilled the responsibilities you have discussed?
Right to vote and run for public office
Group 5. The Right to Vote and Run For Public Office
When you are eighteen, you will have the right to vote. You will also have the right to run for public office if you want to. What responsibilities might go along with this right?
Suppose you are about to vote in an election. You can vote for or against five proposed laws. You must choose between two people running for Congress. What responsibilities should you have? List and explain those responsibilities.
Suppose some friends, neighbors, and others in your community do not agree with the way you are going to vote. List and explain what responsibilities they have toward your right to vote.
Suppose you do not agree with the way some of your friends, neighbors, and others in your community are going to vote. List and explain what responsibilities you should have toward their right to vote.