W___brought plants. P___attracted wildlife.P___and wildlife attracted h___. Humans decided to stay near a regular s____of water and f___.settlements occurred, and p____ began to systematically plant the seeds of edible f___that grew around them or that they had found elsewhere.

Respuesta :

Water brought plants. Plants attracted wildlife. Plants and wildlife attracted humans. Humans decided to stay near a regular source of water and food. Settlements occurred, and people began to systematically plant the seeds of edible fruit that grew around them or that they had found elsewhere.


Water is the source that plants cannot grow without, almost everywhere water is present plants could be found.

As plants and wildlife provide edible crops, fruits, vegetables and meat, humans are attracted for an easier life.

For the sake of survival and better livelihood, human chose to live somewhere with stable source of water and food to avoid famine.

As people settle along the river, they also learned to plants and keep animals to ensure a stable source of food, this is the first step of human civilization.

Hope it helps!