Meeting at Night" The gray sea and the long black land; And the yellow half-moon large and low; And the startled little waves that leap In fiery ringlets from their sleep, As I gain the cove1 with pushing prow2, And quench its speed i’3 the slushy sand. Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach; Three fields to cross till a farm appears; A rap at the pane4, the quick sharp scratch And blue spurt of a lighted match, And a voice less loud, thro’5 its joys and fears, Than the two hearts beating each to each. . —Robert Browning 1 A cove is a small inlet from the sea. 2 A prow is the front end of a boat. 3 i’ is short for in. 4 Pane refers to a windowpane. 5 Thro’ is short for through. Each stanza in this poem has six lines.

1. Which lines rhyme within each stanza?

2. What is the main idea of this poem?

3. In ordinary language, describe the mental pictures you get from the first stanza. In the first stanza, why do you think the poet says that little waves look like “fiery ringlets”?

4. What does the last line of the poem tell you?

Respuesta :

1- The first stanza rhymes with the sixth, the second one with the fifth and the third with the fourth. You can clearly observe this due to the ending sound of the chosen words at the end of each line.

2-The main idea of this poem is to express the longing and desire that a lover has to finally reach the person he loves. The imagery used by Browning constantly implies the longing feeling one lover feels towards the other.

3- The first stanza depicts a person who must endure the time and space that's between him and his lover. The phrase 'fiery ringlets' describe the way his lover's hair looks like.

4- The main character comes to the realization that time and space are non existent for those who are in love as they become one and the same.

Hope this helps!

Rhyme is the same soundings end words of the line of the poem. The poem 'Meeting at Night' by Robert Browning has a rhyme and expresses the longingness.

What is the poem by Robert Browning about?

Robert Browning's poem Meeting at Night is a love lyric that portrays the desire of the lovers. It has a rhyming scheme as the first stanza rhymes with sixth, similarly to the second -fifth, and the third with fourth.

The main idea of the poem revolves around the desire and longing that lovers have for each other and is depicted by the use of imagery. In the first stanza of the poem, the poet compares the little waves with a fiery ringlet as he compares the lover's hair.

He also expresses the endurance they have to suffer to meet. While in the last line of the stanza the main character realizes that time and space are nonexistent for the lovers.

Learn more about Meeting at Night here: