10. Visit the website for a large bank or credit card company, and learn about a type of credit card being offered by the company. Describe at least four features of the card and where you got this information. (3-6 sentences)

Respuesta :


Wells fargo platinum visa credit card from the Wells Fargo website.

0% APR for 18 months

After the 18 months, variable APR is 17.74-27.24%

Balance transfers made within 120 days qualify for the intro APR rate

No annual fee


Wells Fargo platinum visa credit card from the Wells Fargo website.

  1. 0% APR for 18 months: during the first 18 months the bank will not charge you any interest for your purchases with their credit card, although they might charge you some specific fees.
  2. After the 18 months, variable APR is 17.74-27.24%: once the initial 18 month interest free period ends, they will start charging you a variable APR which is higher than average. The average credit card APR for December 2019 was 17.3% which is a very high APR if we compare it to 2018 (around 14%).
  3. Balance transfers made within 120 days qualify for the intro APR rate: if you transfer your balance from another bank's credit card to Wells Fargo's credit card then you still qualify for the promotional APR.
  4. No annual fee: they will not charge you an annual fee, but don't feel sorry for your bank, they are charging you a steep APR which compensates this minor discount.