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The role played by the United States in the Middle East has been central since the end of the Second World War, and most importantly, during and after the Cold War. The purpose? To counteract the influence of the Soviet Union in the region, especially because of the reserves of oil present there. There have been many instances of American intervention in countries of the Middle East, the U.S taking up the role of protector from Great Britain.
The first example of U.S support to a Middle Easter country is Israel after the Cold War against the Arab nations, who refused to allow the formation of the state of Israel on Palestinian soil. This intervention happened between 1947 and 1948, when through diplomatic intervention, the Truman administration managed to overcome the opposition of the Arabs to the formation of the state of Israel.
The second example is Syria, in 1949, when America supported the rebellion of Husni al-Za´im, the Chief of Staff. This Al-Za´im met with CIA agents several times and requested money and personnel and promised support to finish the construction of a pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the Mediterranean that was American and also the friendly relations with Turkey and Israel. The U.S supported the coup and aside from the pipeline, they helped to end the Arab-Israeli War of 1948.
The third example is Iran, in 1953, when the U.S under Dwight Eisenhower´s presidency decided to help the British and Iran to remove Mohammad Mosaddeq. This happened through the CIA and the giving of 4 billion dollars to support the removal of this leader, as it was feared that he was pro-Communist.
The fourth example is Egypt, with the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 and that led to conflict with Jordan, Lebanon and Syria as well. This happened when Egyptian leader Nasser decided to end his relationship with Eisenhower´s government because of the perceived opposition of Eisenhower to Nasser´s policies. At the same time Jordan appears on the scene and so does Lebanon, and the U.S, through the intervention of the CIA, paid so that King Hussein of Jordan could be kept in power. Also, powers were given to the President so that he could intervene militarily in foreign conflicts without having to pass through Congress. Egypt and Syria form into what is known as the United Arab Republic and anti-American and pro-Soviet, movements are initiated.
Finally, there is the intervention of the U.S on Saudi Arabia after the September 11 attacks. This was done by President Barack Obama and the intervention took place through the presence of American troops, training of Saudi forces and intelligence aid to the Saudi Arabians in the fight against Yemen.
These are only a few examples of U.S intervention in the Middle East.