If you're going to understand what Puritan literature is, you need to know a thing or two about Puritanism. Both rose to popularity in the 17th century in the New England area of the United States. Puritanism, as a religious movement, believed in cleansing the church of all of its remaining Roman Catholic ties. Its followers, dubbed Puritans, lived by a moral and religious code that not only influenced their own lives, but sought to impact the lives of everyone around them.
Even today, one of the simplest ways to impact the lives of people around the world is through the written word. Puritans understood that and undertook it with a goal of honoring God and the Bible through their work. Not surprisingly, authors of Puritan literature were deeply religious and wrote in such a way to make God became easier for everyone to understand and more relevant in their day-to-day lives. But, what else characterized Puritan literature? Plenty! Let's take a look at some of the central characteristics of this literary movement.