Which of the following domains is concerned with the promotion of a positive self-concept and the enhancement of feelings of self-worth and self-respect? a)Affective domainb)Cognitive domainc)Physical fitness domaind)Motor skill domain

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Affective domain


Affective domain deals with our emotions, feelings, self-worth, self-esteem. Most of the people think that learning happened only through the mental process. But it is not only a mental or cognitive function. even a person can learn attitude, life skills, and physical skills. this domain divided into three domain as:

  • Cognitive (knowledge)
  • Psychomotor (physical skill)
  • Affective (attitudes)

Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy describes these domains. he was an educational psychologist  

Affective Domain:

It includes our emotions, feelings, attitudes. it has five subdomain as:  

  • Receiving
  • Responding
  • Valuing
  • Organization
  • Characterization