A patient is dehydrated and needs fluids in his cells. Which type of IV solution will cause water to enter his cells? (DOK 1 AKS 2a) A. A hypertonic solution B. An isotonic solution C. A solution with a high salt concentration D. A hypotonic solution

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A hypotonic solution means it is less concentrated in relations to the other solution – in this case the patient’s cells. The electrolytes that balance osmotic pressure in the body are sodium, potassium, chlorides, calcium, and etcetera. The IV needs to have less electrolytes so that when the IV is injected into the patient’s blood the water can move into the cells by osmosis. Osmosis continues until the cell cytoplasm is in osmotic equilibrium with the blood. It is imporant, therefore, to have the right electrolyte balance in the IV solution otherwise the cell will over-hydrate and begin lysing – especially if the kidneys of the patient do not rid excess water fast enough.