It is better online, for 1.1 dollars
Do you understand all the words used in stating the problem?
What are you asked to find or show?
The differnece in price bewtween the store T-shirt and the On-line T-shirt
Can you restate the problem in your own words?
Nathan can purchase a Tshirt by $38 with 30% discount or $34 with 25% discount. Which is the cheapest option?
Is there enough information to enable you to find a solution?
Yes, we have the list price for both T-shirt and the discount on each one.
Devise a plan:
Use a formula
list price less discount = net cost
We will calculate the net cost for the T-shirt
in-store purchase scenario
$38 - 30% coupon = 26.6 dollars
on-line purchase scenario
$34 - 25% off = 25,5 dollars
The difference will be:
$26.6 - $25.5 = 1.1 dollar in favor of the online purchase