Write a program that prompts the user to enter the minutes (e.g., 1 billion), and displays the number of years and days for the minutes. For simplicity, assume a year has 365 days. Here is a sample run: Enter the number of minutes: 1000000000 1000000000 minutes is approximately 1902 years and 214 days

Respuesta :


// here is code in java.

import java.util.*;

// class definition

class Solution


// main method of the class

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception



    // scanner object to read innput

       Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);

        // variables

       long  min,years,days;

          long  temp;

          System.out.print("Please enter minutes:");

          // read minutes


          // make a copy


 // calculate days


 // calculate years


 // calculate remaining days after years


 // print output

System.out.println(temp+" minutes is equal to "+years+" years and "+days+" days");

   }catch(Exception ex){





Read the number of minutes from user and assign it to variable "minutes" of long long int type.Make a copy of input minutes.Then calculate total days by dividing the input minutes with 1440, because there is 1440 minutes in a day.Then find the year by dividing days with 365.Then find the remaining days and print the output.


 please enter the minutes:1000000000

 1000000000 minutes is equal to 1902 years and 214 days.