Classify the following data. Indicate whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, indicate whether the data is discrete, continuous, or neither, and indicate the level of measurement for the data.

A company's international marketing group asked the following question to residents of 50 countries: "What has been your experience with American products?"
1) Below Average 2) Average 3) Above Average 4) Good to Excellent

A supervisor must give a summary evaluation rating from among the choices given below:
1) Poor 2) Fair 3) Good 4) Very good 5) Excellent

Are these data qualitativeor quantitative?
Are these data discrete or continuous?

What is the highest level of measurement the data possesses?
1) Nominal
2) Ordinal
3) Interval
4) Ratio

Respuesta :


The data is quantitative

Data is discrete

The highest level is Ordinal

Step-by-step explanation:

Data is of quantitative type when it allows us to measure, in a numerical and objective way, the differences  between different observations. Eventhough the supervisor uses words ( fair, poor etc) he can assign numerical values and measure differences between observations that has sense. Qualitative data refers to opinions, stories, interviews, images or data that cannot be interpreted numerically and has subjective interpretations depending in researcher.

Data is discrete because the variable measured: evaluation rating, can only takes certain specific values (1 to 5) A continuous variable, such as height can take many values in a ratio or real line,

Nominal data refers to variables that takes two possible values - the presence and absence of a characteristic, like being or not being a minor. Ordinal variables are variable which are discrete but the value of the variable allows to classify data in a specific order. This is the case of the rating scale. Interval variables are are ones that have specific low levels and high levels like age ranges.