4. What is restoration ecology ? Give an example of an ecosystem that has been modified by humans, that you think could be restored . How would you choose the species that you would restore there ?
Ecological restoration is a practice of renewing and restoring degraded and destroyed ecosystems.
All-natural ecosystems can be modified by humans as most of the grassland like prairies of North America and pampas of South America and the veldt of South Africa and downs of Australia are a modification of the environment by man for the cultivation of crops.
These modifications are seen as disturbances in the ecosystem created by a man or can be naturally induced by the plants and animal successions. Like the invasion of species of wild insects or plants that adapt fast to these environments.
Restoration is used as a tool for recovering the damages done like plantation of native seeds of plants keeping in check the invasive species and other programs, like clean water act and bring back the species from other parts of the world.