Respuesta :
Question 1.
Los cubanos no pagan por los servicios de salud.
Question 2.
El Programa Nacional de Medicamentos se hizo para que las no faltaran medicinas entre los enfermos.
Question 3.
Los pacientes sólo pueden recibir medicinas con receta médica.
Question 4.
Las principales causas de muerte en Cuba son las enfermedades del corazón, el cáncer y los accidentes.
Question 5.
Los doctores cubanos hacen exámenes médicos a la población a menudo para encontrar las enfermedades desde sus primeros síntomas.
Question 6.
La atención médica para niños, mujeres embarazadas y ancianos es importante en Cuba.
1. Cubans do not pay for healthcare service.
The Cuban healthcare system is worldwide known as one of the best. Cuba is not a rich country but they have managed to create a great healthcare. There are no private hospitals or clinics as all the medical institutions are state-owned. Their citizens do not pay for any of the healthcare services, including even more complex surgeries.
2. The National Medication Program was developed so that there would be no lack of medication for the sick.
This program tries to provide better care for the people of Cuba. It decreases the percentage of medication imported to a certain minimum, and favors the national pharmaceutical industries. Traditional medicine is also embraced.
3. Patients can only receive medication with a prescription.
This again in order to assure everybody gets the medication they need. Cuba organizes what institution gets the medication and how much of it it gets. This leaves only a limited amount of medication to be available to the public as there are hospitals and clinics that prime in this case.
4. Principle causes of death in Cuba are heart diseases, cancer and accidents.
It shows just how good the Cuban healthcare system is! Out of three causes of death there is one that is not health-related. Cubans have one doctor per 150 patients and their medical statistics rival with some of the most developed countries in the world! They are also working on offering better cancer treatment.
5. Cuban doctors check the population regularly in order to discover the disease from its first symptoms.
This illustrates the efforts of the government to keep its nation healthy. The Cuban healthcare program is mainly concerned by disease prevention. This includes family doctors as well as medical education for its citizens. Family doctors are in constant and close contact with their patients, knowing their socioeconomic status and problems that can occur, and that way they can prevent the disease before it appears.
6. Medical care for kids, pregnant women and the elderly is important in Cuba.
Cubans care for their future. By taking care of pregnant women and the young, they assure a healthy and long-living population. But grandmas and grandpas are not forgotten. They need extra care and the Cuban government assures their legal right to it. And thanks to the amazing Cuban healthcare system, their life expectancy is 77 and 81 years for men and women respectively.