Adam decided to play a practical joke on Linda, a coworker. As Linda was leaving the office one night, Adam, wearing a mask, stepped out from behind some bushes. He pointed a handgun made out of licorice at her and demanded her purse. He then pushed the candy gun to her head and told her if she told anybody he'd kill her. Linda was very scared during the whole incident. She did not think it was funny when Adam pulled the mask off and took a bite out of the gun as he gave her the purse back. Did Adam commit the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress?

Respuesta :



The answer to the question is Yes, the situation between Adam and Linda has all the characteristics of the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress.


The attacker (Adam) has all the intentions to play a joke on Linda. She reacted in the opposite way to a joke, she gets scared and collaborates. Even Adam's intention were to play a joke, all the conditions played againts and caused in Linda a bad time and emotinal distress.