Analyae these two photomicrographs ofice crsias (snowflakes) by Witiam Benidey (Pig A325) I. floth ice cryssahs have the same mamber of arms that radiate out from the center Howany amm do ixe crynsa he? 2. There are seven different crystall wystms monoclinic, erthorhombix, tetragonal, trigonal, hesagonal and cubic. Using the umber of arms on a snowflake as a hint, what crystal em do ice crystas belong oWhat i the basis for your interpretation? s. Which of the crystal foems shown in Fig.3.5 or erscal habis shown in Fig 3.8 do you recognize in the ice era 4. Why do you think ice crystals do not all have the same shape Figure A32.5 JAnalyne each crystalline houwehold material pictured below (Figs. A32.6-A3.28). (Use a hand lens or microscope to observe actual samples of the materials if they are available.) Figure A3.26 Figure A3.2.7 Figure A3.2.8 I. Sucrose (table sugar) displays the following crystal form(s) or habit (Figs. 3.5 and 3.6) How can you tell 2. Epsomite (epsom salt) displays the following crystal form(s) or habit (Figs. 3.5 and 3.6) How can you tell 3. Halite (table salt) displays the following crystal form(s) or habit (Figs.3.5 and 3.6) How can you tell 4. REFLECT& DISCUSS Which of these crystalline household materials (sucrose, epsomite, or halite) is not a mineral? Why not?