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I believe the rich have to pay a greater portion of their income in taxes than the poor.
According to Keynes' theory, when there is an economic crisis that dries out State accounts, the government should tax the rich to restore public investment. That policy would produce new jobs and consumption too. By then, the State will be prepared to ask everyone for paying taxes. However, it always has to be in regards to income, so you pay according to your own wealth. It is a social justice principle that can be found in any international code.
It is believed that the rich who had received more from the society are required to give back. It is considered to be just and ‘fair’. But a few Governments force the rich to pay heavy taxes which were considered to be immoral.
So imposing a Flat Tax is considered to be the fair means. Prejudicial ratio of taxes for the poor is considered to be the chief disadvantage under this tax system. The Rich had amassed much wealth which means that they have used the system and its amenities to make the most out of it.
Traditionally progressive tax system was followed by the Americans but the system got eroded today as many millionaires are paying fewer taxes when compared to others.