Drosophila melanogaster has four pairs of chromosomes. Sperm from this species are formed by a meiotic process in which homologous chromosomes pair and segregate but do not undergo crossing over. How many genetically different kinds of sperm could be produced by a Drosophila melanogaster male?

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Answer and Explanation:

Drosophila melanogaster has 4 sets of homologous chromosomes:  

  • One sets of exceptionally little autosomes
  • One set of sex chromosomes. (Male Drosophila have one X and one Y chromosome)
  • As male Drosophila have one X and one Y chromosome, two hereditarily various sperms (gametes) would shape with X or Y chromosome.  
  • Two sets of huge autosomes.

The Drosophila melanogaster are known as heterogametic as they give rise two kinds of gametes.