SeleccionarMultiple choice Activity Vol textbook InstructionsSelecciona la palabra que no está relacionada con cada grupo. October 06 11:59 PM 6 attempts remaining Grade settings External referencesVocabulary list 226-229 Questions 1. lavabo toalla despertador jabón 2. manos antes de después de por último 3. acostarse jabón despertarse dormirse 4. espejo lavabo despertador entonces 5. dormirse toalla vestirse levantarse 6. pelo cara manos inodoro 7. espejo champú jabón pasta de dientes 8. maquillarse vestirse peinarse dientes 9. baño dormirse despertador acostarse 10. ducharse luego lavarse bañarse

Respuesta :

Answer: 1. despertador 2. manos 3. jabon 4. entonces 5. toalla 6. inodoro 7. espejo 8. dientes 9. baño 10. luego

Explanation: 1. bathroom 2. prepositions 3. actions 4. bathroom 5. actions 6. body 7. bathroom. 8. actions 9. actions 10. actions.


1. Lavabo (sink), toalla (towel), despertador (alarm clock), jabón (soap).

Despertadores can't be found in bathrooms like the rest of these things.

2. Manos (hands), antes de (before), después de (after), por último (finally).

All prepositions except for manos, which is a noun.

3. Acostarse (lie down), jabón (soap), despertarse (wake up), dormirse (fall asleep).

These words are actions except for jabón.

4. Espejo (mirror), lavabo (sink), despertador (alarm clock), entonces (then).

All of these words are nouns but not entonces.

5. Dormirse (fall asleep), toalla (towel), vestirse (get dressed), levantarse (get up).

Towel is the only noun here.

6. Pelo (hair), cara (face), manos (hands), inodoro (toilet).

All body parts but not inodoro.

7. Espejo (mirror), champú (shampoo), jabón (soap), pasta de dientes (toothpaste).

Every word is related to cleaning the body, except for espejo.

8. Maquillarse (put make-up on), vestirse (get dressed), peinarse (brush hair), dientes (teeth).

All actions except for dientes.

9. Baño (bathroom), dormirse (fall asleep), despertador (alarm), acostarse (lie down).

These are all related to sleeping except for baño.

10. Ducharse (take a shower), luego (then), lavarse (clean up), bañarse (take a bath).

Luego isn't an action like the rest of these words.