Removal of trichiasis of the right upper eyelid:
CPT code: 67825-E3
ICD-10 CM code: H02.051
Trichiasis treatment involves various procedural attempts like epilation, cauterization, cryotherapy, laser or surgery to remove the hair follicles of the misdirected or abnormally grown eyelashes.
Removal of trichiasis by cryotherapy involves freezing and removal of the hair follicles of the abnormal eyelashes present on the eyelids.
The CPT procedural code 67285 is applicable for all excision/destruction ophthalmic procedures done on the eyelids.
The modifier E3 refers to the procedure being done on the right upper eyelid.
Combining, the complete CPT code will be 67825-E3.
The ICD-10 CM code for diseases of the eye ranges from H00-H59.
The code H02 stands for eyelid disorders.
The modifier 051 refers to trichiasis of the right upper eyelid. So combining, the ICD-10 CM code H02.051 is the ‘billable/specific code for reimbursement’ denotes the diagnosis of trichaisis of right upper eyelid.