Respuesta :
As,we don't have any criteria given to perform this operation, so, we will be doing it all in a more arbitrary form of programming to accomplish the specific objective,and just for the sake of easiness and to make it more simple, we will go through a step wise manner.
- Start from here in a more step-wise manner, as will execute the operation in the Python language.
- first_name = input('Enter your first name: ')
- last_name = input('Enter your last: ')
- classes = []
- while True:
- class_name = input('Enter a name of the (next) class (or STOP/Stop/stop): ')
- if class_name not in ['STOP', 'Stop', 'stop']:
- room_number = input('Enter a room number of the class: ')
- classes.append((class_name, room_number))
- else:
- break
- if classes:
- print('\n'+first_name, last_name + '\'s schedule:')
- print('-------------------------')
- print('Class\t\tRoom')
- print('-------------------------')
- for num, (class_name, room_number) in list(enumerate(classes, start=1)):
- print(str(num)+'.'+class_name, '\t', room_number)
- And then by putting all the required values and specific names we can obtain the," Student Schedule".