Assume that the string oldSeq has been properly declared and initialized and contains the string segment. Write a code segment that will remove the first occurrence of segment from oldSeq and store it in the string newSeq. Consider the following examples.

Respuesta :


The solution code is written in Java as it offers a useful string method to remove first occurrence of substring from a string.

  1. public class Main {
  2.    public static void main(String[] args) {
  3.        String oldSeq = "This is the first string segment. This is the second string segment.";
  4.        String newSeq = oldSeq.replaceFirst("segment", "");
  5.        System.out.println(newSeq);
  6.    }
  7. }


Firstly, a string variable oldSeq is created and assign it with a template string with two substrings "segment" in it. (Line 5).

Next, use the replaceFirst() method to replace the substring "seqment" with an empty string, "".  (Line 7)

The replaceFirst() method accept two arguments:

  • First, the target substring to be removed
  • Second, the target substring to be replaced with the removed substring

Technically this means the replaceFirst() method will look for the first occurrence of the substring "segment" from the oldSeq and replace it with empty string. This action is akin to just removing the first "segment" from oldSeq.

At the same time, the modified string is stored in a new variable, newSeq. (Line 7)

Lastly, print out the newSeq to verify the output. The output is as follows:

This is the first string . This is the second string segment.

The program is an illustration of string modification in Java.

The code segment that removes the first occurrence of segment in oldSeq is:

String newSeq=oldSeq.replaceFirst(segment, "");

The flow of the code segment is as follows:

  1. First, newSeq is declared as a String variable
  2. Next, the value of the segment variable is searched in string oldSeq
  3. If segment is present in oldSeq, the first occurrence is replaced with an empty string

Note that, the first occurrence of segment in oldSeq is removed by using the replaceFirst() method

Read more about strings manipulations at: