Rashid and Tawana are watching the classic TV show Leave It to Beaver. After watching the show, they decide to play. Rashid says he will be Ward Cleaver and Tawana should play June Cleaver.
This play situation would be best explained by __________.

a) Freudian psychoanalysis.
b) Piaget's theory of development.
c) gender schema theory.
d) learning theory.

Respuesta :

Answer:d) social learning theory.


Social learning theory explains how we learn a particular behavior from observational learning.

Observational Learning

Children learn through observing others do certain things in different ways.

These people that they observe are referred to as models who are influential in a child's life such as the family members ,characters on children TV channels,friends within their same age and their teachers.

Children focuses on the behaviour that they see and record it in their mind so that later on they can imitate the same behavior.

Mostly children imitate people who are like them, such as a girl will likely imitate a female teacher or their mom or female character.

For a behavior to continue or die out it will depend on whether people around the child encourage or discourage that behavior; if they encourage it they will reinforce it but if it unwanted they will punish it

The child will be discouraged to continue with a behaviour if the outcome of imitating that behavior led to punishment.