Describe the relationship between the U.S. federal government and native tribes between 1790-1830. Include information on each of the following: Why did the treaty system exist? Historically, why was there little assimilation? In what way did the treaty system succeed and where did it fail?

Respuesta :

Answers and Explanations:

1. The relationship between the U.S. federal government and native tribes between 1790-1830:

Between the times around 1790—specifically, 1787—and 1830, 142 treaties were officially validated and signed for purposes of peace and land cession. At the time, the new American nation put policies in place in order to maintain peace with the native tribes. Actually, the aims and strategies for peace were the foundation of the political relationship between the United States and the native tribes.

2. Why did the treaty system exist?

The treaty system existed, or was put in place, because of concerns over land ownership, and the injustice being meted out by the white settlers to the native tribes around the times of inception of the new American nation.

3. Historically, why was there little assimilation?

Although commissioners were appointed to deal with the tribes, the U.S. government found it challenging to incorporate or assimilate the Indians into the new American nation because, despite all efforts made by the government, the white settlers still invaded the territory of the native tribes, and boldly used or squatted on lands that were guided by treaties.

4. In what way did the treaty system succeed and where did it fail?

The treaty system succeeded in providing more than peace and land cessions, which were two of the government’s main priorities. The treaty system helped to encourage civilization, regulate trade, swap and free prisoners, and established procedures for dealing with crimes in the territories that belonged to the native tribes.

The treatise failed because, even though they were signed and validated, the white settlers still committed crimes against the native tribes; for instance, white settlers still invaded native tribe lands in order to settle on it, or rear cattle on it.