Respuesta :

Porque los puede a matar o enfermar (because it can kill them or make them sick)


Las fuentes de agua en la naturaleza son parte fundamental de la vida de todos los seres humanos, animales y plantas.

Las fuentes de agua dulce son un recurso no renovable. El agua dulce es un bien escaso y en algún momento va a terminarse. Todas las especies necesitamos las fuentes naturales de agua para consumirla hoy y en el futuro, y eso no va a ser posible si las fuentes son contaminadas por nuestra propia actividad.

Algunas de las principales causas de contaminación son las industrias, que vuelcan sus deshechos a los ríos; la minería, que daña tanto ríos como glaciares, dependiendo la zona; los derrames de petróleo que dañan toda la zona donde se genere el derrame; los residuos humanos generados por las ciudades, que muchas veces son enterrados y generan contaminación en el suelo que se transmite a los cursos de agua de la zona, o son quemados y afectan al aire, las nubes y el agua de las lluvias.

Es muy importante el cuidado del medio ambiente para que nuestros hijos y nietos reciban un planeta igual o mejor que el que tenemos nosotros hoy.


Water sources in nature are a fundamental part of the life of human beings, animals and plants.

Fresh water sources are a non-renewable resource. Fresh water is a scarce commodity and at some point it will end. All species need natural sources of water to consume it today and in the future, and that will not be possible if the sources are contaminated by our own activity.

Fresh water sources are a non-renewable resource. Fresh water is a scarce commodity and at some point it will end. All species need natural sources of water to consume it today and in the future, and that will not be possible if the sources are contaminated by our own activity. Some of the main causes of contamination are industries, which dump their waste into rivers; mining, which damages both rivers and glaciers, depending on the area; petrol spills that damage the entire area where the spill is generated; Human waste generated by cities, which are often buried and generate pollution in the soil that is transmitted to the water courses in the area, or are burned and affect the air, clouds and rainwater.

Fresh water sources are a non-renewable resource. Fresh water is a scarce commodity and at some point it will end. All species need natural sources of water to consume it today and in the future, and that will not be possible if the sources are contaminated by our own activity. Some of the main causes of contamination are industries, which dump their waste into rivers; mining, which damages both rivers and glaciers, depending on the area; petrol spills that damage the entire area where the spill is generated; Human waste generated by cities, which are often buried and generate pollution in the soil that is transmitted to the water courses in the area, or are burned and affect the air, clouds and rainwater. It is very important to care for the environment so that our children and grandchildren receive a planet equal to or better than the one we have today.