Respuesta :
The solution code is written in Python.
- def largest3(num1, num2, num3):
- largest = num1
- if(largest < num2):
- largest = num2
- if(largest < num3):
- largest = num3
- return largest
- first_num = int(input("Enter first number: "))
- second_num = int(input("Enter second number: "))
- third_num = int(input("Enter third number: "))
- largest_number = largest3(first_num, second_num, third_num)
- print("The largest number is " + str(largest_number))
Create function largest3
- Firstly, we can create a function largest3 which take 3 numbers (num1, num2, num3) as input. (Line 1).
- Please note Python uses keyword def to denote a function. The code from Line 2 - 10 are function body of largest3.
- Within the function body, create a variable, largest, to store the largest number. In the first beginning, just tentatively assign num1 to largest. (Line 2)
- Next, proceed to check if the current "largest" value smaller than the num2 (Line 4). If so, replace the original value of largest variable with num2 (Line 5).
- Repeat the similar comparison procedure to num3 (Line 7-8)
- At the end, return the final value of "largest" as output
Get User Input
- Prompt use input for three numbers (Line 13 -15) using Python built-in input function.
- Please note the input parts of codes is done outside of the function largest3.
Call function to get largest number and display
- We can simply call the function largest by writing the function name largest and passing the three user input into the parenthesis as arguments. (Line 17)
- The function largest will operate on the three arguments and return the output to the variable largest_number.
- Lastly, print the output using Python built-in print function. (Line 18)
- Please note the output parts of codes is also done outside of the function largest3.