Respuesta :


1895: Cuban Nationalists Revolt Against Spanish Rule

1896: Spanish General Weyler (The "Butcher") Comes To Cuba.

1897: Spain Recalls Weyler

Early 1898: USS Maine Sent To Cuba

February 9, 1898: Hearst Publishes Dupuy Du Lome's Letter Insulting McKinley.

February 15, 1898: Sinking Of The USS Maine

February 25, 1898: Assistant Secretary Of The Navy Theodore Roosevelt Cables Commodore Dewey With Plan: Attack The Philippines If War With Spain Breaks Out

April 11, 1898: McKinley Approves War With Spain

April 24, 1898: Spain Declares War On The US

April 25, 1898: US Declares War On Spain

May 1, 1898: Battle Of Manila Bay (Philippines)

May, 1898: Passage Of The Teller Amendment. July 1, 1898: San Juan Hill taken by "Rough Riders"

July 3, 1898: Battle Of Santiago Spain's Caribbean fleet destroyed. July 7, 1898: Hawaii annexed

July 17, 1898: City Of Santiago Surrenders To General William Shafter

August 12, 1898: Spain Signs Armistice

August 13, 1898: US Troops Capture Manila

December 10, 1898: Treaty Of Paris Signed US annexes Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines.

January 23, 1899: Philippines Declares Itself An Independent Republic Led by Emilio Aguinaldo, the self-declared Filipino government fights a guerilla war against the US that lasts longer than the Spanish-American War itself.

February 6, 1899: The Treaty Of Paris Passes In The Senate

1900: Foraker Act Some self-government allowed in Puerto Rico.

1901: Supreme Court Insular Cases

March 1901: Emilio Auginaldo Captured.

1901: Platt Amendment

1902: US Withdraws From Cuba

1917: Puerto Ricans Given US Citizenship