Use the following key to help you complete the field study.
New Fabula Creatures Taxonomic Key
Step Physical Feature Classification
1 Smooth skin Go to 2
Fur Go to 3

2 One eye Go to 4
Two eyes Go to 5

3 One eye Go to 7
Two eyes Go to 8

4 Arms and legs Silkus monowrestle
Legs only Silkus monosquirmus

5 Arms and legs Go to 6
Legs only Silkus duosquirmus

6 Tail Silkus tallyhas
No tail Silkus stretchilus

7 Tail Fuzzus tallywag
No tail Fuzzus feelzalot

8 Two teeth Go to 9
More than two teeth Fuzzus chompilus

9 Pointy Fuzzus pointilus
Square Fuzzus squarilus

4. Explain in your own words the order in which the creature's traits may have evolved, starting from the first likely trait. (Hint: Which trait is most common across the creatures?)