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A rock's exposure to the weathering elements and its surface area can affect its rate of weathering. Rocks that are constantly bombarded by running water, wind, and other erosion agents, will weather more quickly. Rocks that have a large surface area exposed to these agents will also weather more quickly.


Properties of the Parent Rock ;

  • The mineralogy and structure of a rock affects it’s susceptibility to weathering.
  • Different minerals weather at different rates. Mafic silicates like olivine and pyroxene tend to weather much faster than felsic minerals like quartz and feldspar. Different minerals show different degrees of solubility in water in that some minerals dissolve much more readily than others. Water dissolves calcite more readily than it does feldspar, so calcite is considered to be more soluble than feldspar.
  • A rock’s structure also affects its susceptibility to weathering. Massive rocks like granite generally to not contain planes of weakness whereas layered sedimentary rocks have bedding planes that can be easily pulled apart and infiltrated by water. Weathering therefore occurs more slowly in granite than in layered sedimentary rocks.

The texture is one the important property of the rocks and tl us about the type of rock type it is .  

  • The texture indicates the rate of weathering. As rocks are exposed to weathering and erosion the texture tells us about the place of origin and information of its formation.
  • As rocks are made form the sediments there texture tells us about their porosity to water.
  • More hard textured rocks are less prone to weathering as compared to finer and soft textured rocks.

Learn more about the texture of a rock's surface effects.