1. What is the science behind what your set weight is that Aamodt talks about?
2. How can changing the food environment help to change obesity? Do you agree of disagree with this mindset?
3. What are the four healthy habits discussed in the 14-year study on risk of death that Aamodt discusses? How does your lifestyle measure up with these habits?
4. What is Aamodt’s answer to diets? Why do you think that more people have the same mindset rather than the thousands of people who still attempt diets?

Respuesta :

Aamodt talks about Weight Loss


1. Brain is an incredibly efficient regulator of body weight. Hunger and energy are controlled by the brain, mostly behind the scenes, and this unconscious force is stronger than mere willpower. The brain has its own sense of what your body should weigh — no matter what you believe — called the set point, which has a range of about 15 pounds. While lifestyle changes can shift your weight within this range, it’s much harder to move outside of it.

2. Changing the food environment help to change obesity? Agree.The food environment has a great impact on the nutritional health.Food environment interventions have become a popular strategy to address the obesity epidemic. However, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of the most effective strategies to modify the food environment to improve health.

3. Aamodt says lifestyle choices are more important to maintaining health than weight. She cites a study that measured the risk of death over a 14-year period based on four healthy habits:

  • eating fruits and vegetables,
  • getting exercise,
  • not smoking, and
  • drinking in moderation.

For someone who is overweight and who practices no healthy habits, the risk of death is high, but adopting just one good habit brings that person back within normal range. For obese people, it takes all four habits to bring them back into a normal range.And regardless of weight, for those who adopted the four healthy habits, weight makes very little difference to health.

4. Aamodt’s answer to diets :

  • Dieting typically causes gain weight over time. Five years after a diet, most people have regained the weight — and 40% have gained even more than they lost. It would seem that dieting contributes to obesity rather than preventing it.
  • Every diet tested has failed in the long run, and as willpower is a limited resource, any weight-loss strategy that relies on it is doomed to fail when it’s necessary to focus on something else. It also does a lot of collateral damage.
  • Aamodt. “If they stopped dieting, most of them would be happier and healthier, and as adults most of them would probably be thinner.


Sorry if im to late but,

1. What does it mean to you to eat mindfully?

It means to eat healthy and be conscious of what you’re putting in your body

2. What is the science behind what your set weight is that Aamodt talks about?

The idea of a set point weight is just a theory because there is no real proof. Researchers have observed that many humans return to a certain weight range, but scientific studies of weight are difficult. It's hard to control what human subjects eat.

3. How can changing the food environment help to change obesity? Do you agree of disagree with this mindset?

Yes, I agree to this mindset because if we change the food environment there will be limited fatty foods and people will be more encouraged to eat healthy.

4. What are the four healthy habits discussed in the 14-year study on risk of death that Aamodt discusses? How does your lifestyle measure up with these habits?

The four healthy habits are eating enough fruits and vegetables, exercising three times a week, not smoking and drinking so much..Use habits in your intro for maximum preformance so you stay alive.

5. What is Aamodt’s answer to diets? Why do you think that more people have the same mindset rather than the thousands of people who still attempt diets?

“My solution, in a word, is mindfulness” Others like sugar and burgers ppl on diets are usually insecure or don't like eating animals.

Explanation: Can I have Brainliest