Do you believe being ethical will lead to a better quality of life for you? Do cheaters win in the real world, or does ethical conduct lead to a more satisfying outcome? Are there times you would be willing to compromise your ethics for business gain?

Respuesta :

Question #1:

Do you believe being ethical will lead to a better quality of life for you?


Being ethical will definitely lead to a better quality of life for me, mainly because the tranquility, the peace and the ease of mind that being ethical gives you is with no doubt better than any satisfaction that may give something gained through something unethical, when your conscience is clean your quality of life will improve dramatically.

Question #2:  

Do cheaters win in the real world, or does ethical conduct lead to a more satisfying outcome?


Well it depends a lot, for example if you define outcome as something solely material then cheating could give you a more satisfying outcome, but if we take other factors into account we can have a completely different point of view, for example, if you cheat in a chess game you may win but you won't be really satisfied knowing that you only won because of cheating, and this applies for everything that implies cheating in something.

Question #3:

Are there times you would be willing to compromise your ethics for business gain?


Definitely no, if you compromise ethics for business gain there's a very big chance more so in business where everyone is paying close attention to every activity related to it, so you could end up losing everything for compromising your work and personal ethics.


1. I believe that being ethical will lead to a better quality of life for me because personal experience has proven that whenever I sow the seeds of goodness and right deeds—which ethics is concerned with—I attract goodness and right deeds in return: what goes around, comes around; when I am honest and exhibit good moral standards, there will be a higher probability for me to establish a good reputation, and attract honesty and goodness in return.

2. Yes, it is quite unfortunate that cheaters often win in the real world, and ethical conduct does not often lead to more satisfying outcomes in life. However, cheating has negative consequences that strike at any time, and would haunt its perpetrators, either during life on Earth, or in the life beyond Earth.

3. No, I would never compromise my ethics for business gain because the repercussions for doing so may haunt me later, especially during times that I might not be prepared for such repercussions. I could lose the trust of business giants and established corporations: If I do not compromise my ethics for personal gains, I will likely come across favorable business gains in future, without having to struggle for them.