1. nueve en punto.
2. mediodía
3. siete menos cuarto
4. cinco y veinte
5. once menos cuarto
6. once y veinte
7. ocho menos veinte
8. tres y cinco
9. nueve y media
10. cuatro menos diez.
You have to say what time is it.
1. The party is at. (9:00)
2. It's the. (12:00)
3. The class is at. (6:45)
4. It's ... (the afternoon). (5:20)
5. It's ... (of the night). (10:45)
6. It's ... (of the night). (11:20)
7. It's ... (in the morning). (7:40)
8. It's .... (3:05)
9. The party is at. (9:30)
10. It's ... (the afternoon).