Does the frequency distribution appear to have a normal distribution? Explain.
Temperature Frequency Temperature Frequency
(degrees° F) (degrees° F)
35-39 11 55-59 10
40-44 4 60-64 3
45-49 10
50-54 15 65-69 1
A. Yes, because the frequencies start low, proceed to one or two high frequencies, then decrease to a low frequency, and the distribution is approximately symmetric.
B. No, because the frequencies start low, proceed to one or two high frequencies, then decrease to a low frequency, and the distribution is not symmetric.
C. Yes, because the frequencies start low, proceed to one or two high frequencies, then increase to a maximum, and the distribution is not symmetric.
D. No, because the frequencies start low, proceed to one or two high frequencies, then decrease to a low frequency, and the distribution is approximately symmetric.