Respuesta :

What is the role of the Social Contract Theory?

Answer: Its role is to guarantee that the state has certain authority over an individual.


The Social Contract theory/model has its roots in the Age of Enlightenment. According to this theory, people have to abide by certain rules of behavior, both moral and political. Those rules can be explicit (laws passed by the authorities), but also implicit, which refer to our behavior in certain situations.

The role of the Social Contract is to point out that the state has certain authority over an individual.

What is the role of the citizen in this relationship?

Answer: The role of the citizen is to be responsible and to comply with certain rules outlined in the Constitution's Social Contract.


All the people willing to live in the United States have to abide by the explicit rules from the Contract. They should also follow the implicit rules in everyday situations, so as to restore law and order. For instance, we should give up a seat to an elderly person in a bus, or raise our hand if we want to speak in classroom. These are some rules that all the citizens should follow. If these rules were not established, there would be a complete disorder and confusion in all of the countries. This is why it is our moral and civic duty to adhere to the rules passed by the authorities.