Respuesta :
soil and vegetative matter screening for soil structure integrity and invasive pathogens
Repeated use of fertilizer causes the soil to break down and lose it nutrient capacity. This in turn will affect the integrity of the plants, now in a nutrient deficit environment. In addition to this, soil micro-biome environment may also be compromised once soil structure and nutrient is lost. Some of the bacteria, fungi and protozoan in the soil plays a role in defense against invasive pathogens. When this is lost the possibility for infection and increased risk of unknown pest and disease is imminent.
Hypothesis : If Crop rotation is the employed then the risk of having a 70 - 90% mortality rate of vegetation is drastically reduced by 10%.
Mortality rate is the number of deaths per given unit of population over a given period of time.
The hypothesis should provide the possible answers to the questions formulated from this situation.
Hypothesis : If Crop rotation is the employed then the risk of having a 70 - 90% mortality rate of vegetation is drastically reduced by 10%.
Crop rotation, is a farming practice in which the same land is used to grow different crops in successive seasons or years (when once the land would have been left fallow); used to prevent erosion and increase fertility.
Action points:
Adopt: If after 3 month of planting monocot like maize (crop rotation) and then planting the vegetables the mortality rate reduces by 10%.
Reject: if after crop rotation the mortality rate is the same.