The annual statement of outlays, tax revenues, and surplus and/or deficit of the United States government is called the ____

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The correct answer is federal budget

In the United States, the principle based on checks and balances - checks and balances - the basis of harmony between powers, guarantees the houses of Congress (House of Representatives and the Senate) a central role in budgetary decisions. From Independence until the early 1920s, budgeting was the exclusive responsibility of the commissions of both legislatures. As of 1921, the president was authorized to submit his annual draft budget for consideration and approval. The project became a reference, but, apart from mandatory and essential expenses, the decisions of the parliamentary committees remained definitive.

The US federal fiscal year covers the period between October 1 and September 30 of the following year, the date being the last deadline for voting on the budget for the new year. In the years when the deadline is respected, Congress passes twelve regular appropriation bills - which, when consolidated, form the annual budget itself.

The experience of the US federal budget is of great use when the matter involves delays in approval or threats of non-return of the budget for sanction and enactment of the law. Unlike the parliamentary system, where the government - executive power - is constituted by the parliamentary majority, in presidentialism it is perfectly possible that the head of the executive power does not have this majority. American bipartisanship often produces an unfavorable majority for the president in one house of Congress, or even in both.