Which paragraph in the section explains what caused Japan to end the war?
A :Japan's collapse came much sooner than expected. In 1945, the United States dropped atom bombs on two Japanese cities. Japan quickly surrendered. The war was finally over.
B: In the Pacific, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur's forces were also advancing. They punched ahead toward Palau and Saipan. That put B-29 bombers in range of Japan's major cities. The allies began to prepare for a final attack on Japan's home islands. The world feared there would be a huge number of deaths.
C: Things did not go well for the Japanese. Half a million men were locked in some of the bloodiest fighting of the war. The British positions in Kohima and Imphal held for five months. Then, British forces began to strike forward into Burma.
D:Japanese commanders saw Britain as the weakest of the enemies they faced. In March 1944, they decided to strike the heart of the British Empire, India. Japanese forces gathered in Burma. Then, they crossed the border into India.