When a substance has the capacity to disrupts the genetic compositions (DNA) of the organisms, to the extent that it makes the particular organism genetic materials prone to genetic mutation,( random changes in the genetic composition) such group of substances are called Mutagens.
ionizing radiation,radioactive decay are some examples of of physical mutagens, while biological mutagens examples include viruses and bacterial. Chemical mutagens are Benzene compounds,bromine,aromatic amines,sodium Azide.
They exerts their negative effects
by disrupting gene expression sequence of transcription, translation, or changed the nucleotides sequence of the DNA leading to deletion, addition, subtraction of genetic bases.Some may make chromosomes to be unstable, disrupting the structure
Although some mutagens can cause cancer, that is they are mutagens. not all mutagens carcinogenic.This is because the Mutagenic effects depends on the metabolites present in the cells of the organisms.