Prepare a personal budget for one month. Be sure to think through your sources of income and expenses. Be as detailed as you wish; but include cells that calculate the following: Income (which calculates the sum of all income sources), Expenses (which calculates the sum of all expenses), and Savings (which calculates the difference between the total income and expenses). After completing your budget, complete the tasks to create named ranges that reference the important cells outlined above. This set of tasks as a total of 10 points.

1.Create a named range called, "Income" that references the cell that calculates the total income in your budget. [3 points]

2. Create a named range called, "Expenses" that references the cell that calculates the total expenses in your budget. [3 points]

3. Create a named range called, "Savings" that references the cell that calculates the monthly savings in your budget. The savings calculation should be the difference between the total income and total expenses in your budget. Be sure to reference the named ranges for income and expenses in your calculations.