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Rock 'n' roll is a musical genre that originated in the United States since the 1950s and helped to shape youth culture. Thus, in the post-World War II world, the formation of youth culture took on gigantic proportions. The baby boom of that time ended up being responsible for the existence of a whole generation of teenagers and young adults who gained tremendous relevance in the most diverse types of artistic manifestations. In the music world, rock'n’roll was by far the most successful demonstrator of this youth culture. In a short time, the aesthetics brought by rock was used to convey the different forms of message. Thus, in the 1960s, some young people began to identify themselves with music with less pretentious themes and that spoke of everyday experiences in a critical and direct way. In general, this type of demand appeared among young Americans, who did not identify themselves so much with the lysergy and experimentalism that they were beginning to gain space among different bands.
