11. -
Put "C" before correct statements and "x" balore false ores.
Provision is made in the Constitution for ihe nomination of candidates for the Presidency.
12. - Many of the nation's larger cities bid for the "honor" of hosting a national convention and ofiar
considerable sums in goods ang services to a tract a party
The nomination is usually assured to an incumbent President who wishes to serve another term.
14. In cur presidential politics, the characterisiics of those who are most clectable (or most "av2: -
able") have remained largely unchanged over ine past 100 years.
Thus far, only two presidential elections have toen thrown into the House o: Represent lives.
A serious delect in the electoral college system is that a candida!e may vin lower popular votes
than an opponent. but suli win a majority of the clectoral vote-and, thus, the Presider.
The details of the national convention croceus, by which the major parties select their candi. Hies
for President and Vice President, are closciy regulated by federai law.
in several elections, a strong third-party bid has threatened to win enough popular vctes torcke
it impossible for either of the two major party candidates to win a majority cline electoral cias,
If no one presidential candicaie has a majority of the electoral vote, ihe election is thrown i..to
the House of Representatives.
The vice presidential running mate is generaily the handpicked choice of the winner of the
presidential nomination.