​A type of manufacturing process that seeks to achieve the efficiencies of a line process in a batch environment by dedicating equipment and personnel to the manufacture of product with very similar manufacturing​ characteristic is the definition of ____.

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Group technology


Group technology: This can be defined as a

Manufacturing technique in which functionally-grouped machines are organized into cells to achieve efficiencies.

Group technology is based on the principle that many problems are similar and by grouping similar problems, a single solution can be found to solve a set of problems, saving time and effort.

Group technology is a manufacturing technique in which parts having similarities in manufacturing process and functions are manufactured in one location using a small number of machines.


group technology


Group technology manufacturing process refers to grouping manufacturing processes or functions that are similar or use similar machinery, into one single location to reduce the total number of machinery required and the total number of processes. It is more like a production layout based on technological needs than a production process per se.

The main advantage of using group processing is that components and final parts are located close to each other which result in lower handling and storage costs.