
Based on their ideas and your own ideas about suspense, explain what you think is the most effective way to build suspense. Child's idea that suspense is created through delaying answers is the most effective way to create suspense. People can't help but want to know answers.

Respuesta :


Building suspense within yourself is fairly common,example watching a movie and it suddenly cuts off because you have to see the next one that comes out a few years later. It's like a cliff hanger because they want to keeo you enganged in the storyline.



my original answer:

Mystery is key to wanting to read more, making sure the reader is interested in the character having more and it'd mostly be about dangerous situations.


sample response: Child’s idea that suspense is created through delaying answers is the most effective way to create suspense. People can’t help but want to know answers. This is true whether or not they care about the people in the story. However, Child seems to think any unanswered questions create suspense, and I think the questions have to be about bad or dangerous situations.